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Google defends privacy protection with Google Glass

Google has published on the official website of Google Glass one entire section devoted to frequently asked questions (FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions) in which answers some questions about the protection of privacy with these devices.

Since it became known, the Glass have raised great amount of criticism that has focused on the alleged violation of the privacy of others when using these 'gadgets'. Now, since Google have decided to publish this content to answer some questions and plant a position.

In principle, point in the security and privacy section, which "absolutely" have thought that would raise concerns about privacy in deciding to create the Google Glass. "We know that new technology always brings new problems, so we thought carefully how to design Glass from the beginning. "

Users and user associations have criticized Google-by Glass and other products-to collect private data and take advantage of them. Nick Pickler, director of campaign group Big Brother Watch has previously noted that users will not have control of Glass but Google will control them through this device. "Do not think, even for a second, that you are in control of their Glass data. You are not just a driver for data collection, "he said in an interview for the BBC.

Because of these doubts Google has responded that they are to "keep the data safe, secure and available" whenever the user wants and it is he who controls how to share this information.

The organization Stop The Cyborgs were complaining about the ability of these devices would you record video or photograph without other people would realize and therefore felt that it would violate the privacy of these individuals. Google has already stated that Glass may not be recording or photographing all the time by two factors. The first of these is that the default Glass are designed to record only 10 seconds and the second reason is that if you want to record more may not make more than 45 minutes because it would exhaust all the battery of the device.

But what really concerns is not the time to record but that people can not be percatar photographed the device is recording or photographing, something that it can recognize when someone wants to do a 'smartphone' or a VCR.

Explicit signals
Google has reported that there are signs "explicit" that allow a third party to recognize when you might be photographing. "First, the device's screen lights up when in use, and which is applied to take a photo or record a video. Second, Glass requires the user to say a command - "OK Glass, take a picture" or "OK ​​Glass, record a video" or pressing a button on the top of the glass frame to perform the action. In each case, the illuminated display, voice command oo gesture, make it clear to all what the user is doing with the device.

They also confessed that they understand that the Glass are vetoed in some places because like phones or tablets, "it is clear that there are sites that use devices is simply inappropriate." Given the possibility of facial recognition Google has made it clear. "The Glass not allow facial recognition and have no plans to do so, in fact, our terms of service does not allow developers to do Glassware facial or voice recognition

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