Throughout this 2013 information on whether the Cupertino company will release an iPhone 'low cost' and what benefits will this 'smartphone' have become almost commonplace. A device rather plastic coated aluminum housings colors with Qualcomm Snapdragon chips and a price between 99 and $ 149, are the main features of the new Apple device.
The Apple iPhone has become one of the smartphones most coveted in the market. Despite its high price and strong competition from archrival Samsung, the 'smartphone' Apple is among the most sold throughout the world. The "Apple fever" get users to make queuing for days in the shops of the company to be the first to purchase the latest iPhone, though the terminal, such as the top model of iPhone 5, touch the 900 dollars / euros.
However, given the success of the terminal, Apple may be looking for a new way to get more followers to your iPhone, as does its rival Samsung with the wide variety of models in its Galaxy range that are currently on the market. Taking this decision, the U.S. company would also focus on reaching emerging markets like Samsung or made Finland's Nokia with their range of Asha.
The "new way" of Apple iPhone be called 'low cost' and would have a performance inferior to those of his older brother but that in turn would be able to compete on the open market with Samsung or Nokia devices.
In terms of exterior design, the reports emerged months ago, this iPhone 'low cost' would be designed entirely in plastic . To reduce costs, Apple bet on this material against the glass of the iPhone 4 and 4S and the mixture of glass and aluminum of the iPhone 5.
Although usually the colors chosen for the Apple devices are white and black, the Cupertino began to introduce other colors in several generations of its iPod and iPhone with the arrival of 'low cost', Apple would dare with the same operation . According to recent reports, users willing to purchase the iPhone 'low cost' Apple will have more options in terms of color, because not only would the market in white and black but would be available on a wide range of colors , like the fifth generation iPod touch.
Continuing with the device hardware, Apple would have doubts about how screen size give this newest member of the iPhone family. On the one hand, the rumors suggest that to reduce costs, Apple would include a four-inch screen, like the one currently has the iPhone 5. To differentiate it from the following high-end models of the next iPhone, Apple would provide display recent 4.7 and 5.7 inches .
But on the other hand, according to Digitimes said the last January as sources pointed supply chain, Apple is considering launching its iPhone 'low cost' with a five-inch screen . This change would be a great advantage over its competitors in the market but the price could not possibly fit the term 'low cost', as a screen of that size would increase the final price of the 'smartphone'.
Following the hardware, the iPhone 'low cost' would have smaller pieces to ensure that they do not elevasen the final price but no less powerful. According to the China Times claimed, Apple will incorporate Qualcomm chips both in the terminal and a new range of mobile devices.
So the iPhone 'low cost' incorporates a Qualcomm chipset with 28-nanometer to reduce production costs of Apple's own Ax.
In addition, the new iPhone he would lack 4G LTE connection as his older brother and just stay on the 3G connection, same with the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
All these features would make the price of the new Apple's terminal adapt to emerging markets. However, the Cupertino units would remove the market would not be the same as the high end models of the iPhone, but smaller to see the behavior of the new terminal on the market.
The release would be reduced to emerging markets and consist, first, of a match test between 2.5 and 3 million handsets, according to Digitimes said. In addition, the launch would take place later this year after Apple introduce him to the world for the first time in autumn, when the Cupertino usual. The model 'low cost' would be presented at the same event as the successor to the iPhone, and l iPhone 5S or iPhone 6.
Another great unknowns is the terminal price. To finally be considered 'low cost' price should not exceed $ 150 / EUR. Therefore, they suggested sources familiar with the situation told Bloomberg, this iPhone 'low cost' would leave the market at a price between 99 and 149 U.S. dollars .
As usual in the U.S. company, Apple team neither confirms nor denies any rumor that arise regarding their devices. Thus, we should expect that the U.S. company the means to convene a new event and show what they have prepared to compete in the market next year.