Facebook has stood up to rival Twitter and presented on Thursday a video tool to its popular photo app Instagram . The social network trying to compete with the app of your opponent, Vine , which has grown rapidly in recent months.
"Our mobile strategy has evolved and we are focused on developing a number of different applications," explained Mark Zukerberg, the creator of Facebook.
The new tool allows users to create and share video clips up to 15 seconds, a little longer than those of Vine. In addition, the co-founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, added that the application will have 13 filters that modify the tone of the video image, as already happens with your photos.
The same but with more chances
"This is the same Instagram you know and love, but moves" Systrom has insisted in making this app that is built into the photo editing program that is now available for users who have phones with an operating system Apple or Android.
The new instrument is complemented by a new tool called "Cinema", which stabilizes video images automatically.
"When you post a video, you can also select your favorite scene you've recorded and set it as your cover image, so that your videos are beautiful even when they are not playing" Systrom highlighted in a post on the official blog Instagram.
Facebook acquired last year Instagram, a popular tool to quickly edit photos taken with mobile phone and add multiple filters.